What We Do
Since 2004, we’ve been supporting Oklahoma children and their families throughout their pediatric cancer journey. In 2014, we added Camp Live-A-Dream to include even more resources and support post treatment.
Our Mission
While other organizations do important work to advance medical research or advocacy, Ally’s House is the only Oklahoma-based non-profit providing financial assistance to individual families during their journey, regardless of income or type of cancer diagnosis. We believe this mission is vitally important and meets a significant need. Community support is critical for Ally’s House to continue helping every family who applies.
“More people need to know what families like ours go through. We didn’t know there would be anyone to help us when our child was diagnosed. It was such a blessing when we found Ally’s House ”
— Katelyn, her son Liam was diagnosed with bone cancer at 5 months old
Ally’s Story
Allison Faith Webb was born September 6, 2000 to Scott and Linda Webb. Allison, also known as Ally, was a happy toddler with a sunny disposition. She amazed family, friends and hospital staff with her quick mind, recognizing letters of the alphabet by sight before the age of 2. She loved to paint and color, and was fond of Dora the Explorer, The Wiggles, Monsters Inc. and Shrek, to name a few.
Just before her 2nd birthday, Ally developed a knot on the side of her belly. Her mother took her to the doctor, who ordered an ultrasound. By the end of the day, the family was shocked to learn Allison had large tumors on both kidneys. The following week her parents took her to the Jimmy Everest Center at Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City for a CT scan. That day they learned that Ally had small spots on her lungs as well. A surgical biopsy confirmed that Ally had Wilm’s tumors, a form of kidney cancer. She had “bilateral” disease, which meant both kidneys were involved. This occurs only in about 5% of Wilm’s tumor cases.
Ally had 3 major surgeries, radiation and 3 different kinds of chemotherapy. She received care at Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City and at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis. Unfortunately, Ally lost her battle with cancer on August 6, 2003, in her mother’s arms, a month shy of her 3rd birthday.
Allison’s favorite place was home. After a long hospital stay, she was always thrilled to get back home. Each time she returned, she would happily say, “We’re at Ally’s house!” For this reason, the name “Ally’s House” has special significance for Allison’s family and friends. It symbolizes a safe place – a place of welcome, where comfort and love help ease the burden.
Our Board of Directors
Lori Turner
Executive Director
Linda Webb
Board President
Ryan Albee
Board Vice President
Daniel Weaver
Board Secretary
Jeff Everett
Board Member
Paul White
Board Member
Blair Lemon
Board Treasurer
Jake Schilling
Board Member
Aaron Gregory
Board Member